Aqua Research Creates Big Buzz at Water & Health Conference

SWAP Lab in Kenya tested the Aqua Research disinfectant

Aqua Research was a sponsor of the October 2022 University of North Carolina Water & Health Conference, a major event for people in the Water, Sanitation, and Health sector (WaSH) with 3,700 registrants from over 120 countries. This annual conference has led to numerous multi-unit sales for Aqua Research in developing nations, confirming the benefits of disinfection on-demand for health care sanitation and drinking water treatment.

Three different companies presented scientific posters on the Aqua Research technology:

To see Aqua Researchโ€™s booth display, click on one of the images below:

Activities and Partners in Africa Health Care Sanitation in Haiti PATH in Ghana and Uganda Aqua Research Products Chlorine Aging Study, Kenya

To see the scientific posters from the event, click on one of the images below:

Evicom IoT UNC Scientific Poster PATH UNC Water Chlorination Scientific Poster SWAP & Aqua Research UNC Scientific Poster

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